Sunday, September 7, 2008

Practiceman Satruday Sept 6

Today was the "Practice" for the Longhorn tri.. David was supposed to do his first open water swim, and then the 14 mile bike loop, but he went to bed too late the night before, and showed up with just enough time to do the swim (500m).
I swam 1500m , approximately, and didn't do too bad. I am a slow swimmer, but I am fine as long as I finish. My watch showed 33:00 minutes, and I was one of the last ones out of the water. I was going to ride with Sabrina, but she talked about riding less than the 56 mile route. So, I decided to ride with Jerry. The bike covered many of the roads we used to ride when we did the Wednesday night Manor rides. Down Parsons, on Littig, and up Monkey. I remember struggling to keep up with the group on Litig. But now it was easy to go 20mph without a problem. Its a hilly, and very rough ride. It takes its toll on your legs, and mine we beaten up pretty good at about 35 miles. We met up with Jennifer, who had had some trouble with her ride. We decided to ride with her. She road at a pretty good speed, although we had to wait a few times for her. We stopped at a store at 46 miles, and that was a good break. I drank a bottle of water, and had a milky way bar. I know I wasn't drinking enough again. I'm not sure why that is.
Getting back to 973, and Decker Lane was a relief, and I knew what lied ahead. Two big hills, a left turn, then home stretch.
When I got back was just sat down on my cooler, and figured I wasn't going to do any running, but Jerry convinced me to run at least a little bit. So, I put on my shoes, and ran/walked about 2 miles. My hamstrings were near cramping, so I was careful about going slow.
T3 was BBQing, and drinking beer. I just wanted to get home, and get in a cold bath to bring down my core temp. I was really hot.
Overall, a good workout. I had to take a 2 hour nap to recover.


Priscilla said...

Hmpf... who's Jennifer??

StephW said...

I love naptime!! I love it soo much that is most of what I did on Sunday!!